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Anat Baniel Presenting at Feldenkrais® Awareness Summit

Anat Baniel

One of the presenters at our latest Future Life Now summit, Turning Challenges into Possibilities for the Special Needs Family: Feldenkrais® Awareness Summit is Anat Baniel. We are thrilled to have Anat presenting “Breakthroughs for Children on the Autism Spectrum” on Day 3.


Autism Spectrum Disorder is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a developmental disability that can cause social, communication, and behavioral challenges. There is no cure for ASD, but there are several different types of treatment. In fact, studies have shown that early intervention services can help autistic children learn important skills.


Anat has had great success working with children with autism as she approaches the information system of the brain. As she describes, “the perception of a difference” can be different for each person, especially for people who are on the Autism spectrum. One of the key approaches to helping people with autism is to realize that they are not perceiving the world as you are. Once you can guide someone to feel, it triggers the brain which then begins to learn to develop order.


The Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® wakes the brain to new patterns and connections. This prompts improvements in physical, cognitive, and emotional performance. These improvements are not limited to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Any parent can improve the path of a child’s development with NeuroMovement. This gentle approach focuses on the abilities your child already has to create new connections. This can lead to spontaneous breakthroughs in movement, thinking, self-regulation, and their connections with others.


During the summit, Anat will point out how the old-fashioned approach to autism, as though it was a behavioral issue, still remains with some treatment and teaching techniques. She demonstrates how that approach can actually hinder progress for the child. Then, she explains how to let go of that approach and focus on giving the brain fuel for learning and healthy growth.


If you’d like to learn more about Anat Baniel and her approach, watch this excerpt from an in-depth interview between Future Life Now’s Cynthia Allen and Anat.


If you’re interested in learning more about how the Feldenkrais Method® can help people with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other challenges, register to join us at our FREE summit – Turning Challenges into Possibilities for the Special Needs Family: Feldenkrais Awareness Summit from November 5-10, 2020. Anat will be presenting on day three, which is November 7th, but we also have an incredible lineup of professionals who specialize in dealing with special needs children and families. There are sure to be several speakers that spark your interest and make you want to learn more.

Picture of Cynthia Allen
Cynthia Allen
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